Last updated on September 9th, 2022
You always wish to have a sculpted body but your wishes never turn out to be your reality because of the junk food and your physical inactivity. But there is one other thing you are missing out on that is a lack of your knowledge and awareness. There are a handful of false fitness tips. According to experts, these fitness myths are misleading you and sabotaging your fitness efforts:
Fitness Myth 1: Eating Fat Translates To Becoming Fat
(One of the Most Common Fitness Myths)
Fats are not so bad. In fact, not eating one type of food is never a solution to cut overall calories from your diet. Instead, choose your fats wisely because your body needs them to function properly and they are beneficial for your overall health.
So, the question arises, how to choose good fats? The answer is to cut the saturated fats from your diet, and take not more than 10% of your calories from saturated fats, according to experts.
It is not the proper solution for weight loss but it is good for your health and reduces the risks of different types of diseases like heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
Reduce intake of butter and processed foods and replace them with more healthy fats, like cold-water fish, tofu, avocado, olive oil, peanut oil, sunflower oils and small amounts of nuts.
Source: Harvard Health.
Fitness Myth 2: Eating Less is the Same as Losing Weight
(Another One of the Most Commonly Believed Fitness Myths)
Another one of the most common fitness myths is that to get in shape, you need to eat less. It may be true up to a certain level, but it is not a sustainable solution. If you eat less to lose weight, you harm your health and it goes in vain in the longer run.
Therefore, don’t skip meals and choose the right kind of diet which is good for your whole body and helps you lose weight also. If you’re trying to lose weight. You can do the following things:
- increase the protein intake
- eat the whole foods
- reduce your portion size, eat more but in smaller portions
- healthy fats from nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
- Eat a lot of vegetables.
You can select your diet according to this sample menu for weight loss.
Don’t forget to read this amazing recipe,
Healthy warm Pasta Salad Recipe For Chilly Days
Also read:
- Salad Diet: An Ultimate Guide to Salad Eating
- Plant-Based Protein Foods to Eat While on a Plant-Based Diet
Fitness Myth 3: Limiting Food Choice Gets You In Shape Quickly
(One of the Biggest Food & Fitness Myths)
The common fitness myths: ban all your favourite foods like pastries, chocolate, pizza, etc forever. Ask yourself: do you want seasonal results or are interested in sustaining your efforts?
It might seem logical but it is not practical. Because you are a human and you risk craving. And this is the limitation of a strict diet plan that ends up ruining all your previous efforts.
A study shows that no diet plan fits everyone and limiting food choices doesn’t help you lose weight.
What should you do? You should:
- make a flexible diet plan
- include low-calorie foods using an air fryer
- have a list of easy-to-prepare low-calorie snacks
- eat 4-5 times a day but control your portion sizes.
What To Eat In Breakfast: 5 Best & Worst Types Of Breakfast Foods
Fitness Myth 4: Sleep Doesn’t Affect Weight Loss
(Most Commonly Believed Weight loss & Fitness Myths)
It is 100% true that sleep affects weight loss. The study showed a lack of sleep led to hormonal changes that make people do late-night snacking, eating, having bigger portions of food, choosing high-carb snacks and other unhealthy habits causing weight gain.
A study done at the University of Chicago, states that sleep-deprived participants chose snacks with twice as much fat as those who slept at least 8 hours or more.
Sleep helps regulate metabolism and you tend to consume fewer calories.
Fitness is a relationship. You can’t cheat and expect it to work.
Fitness Myth 5: Everyday Activities Don’t Count As Exercise
(One of the Biggest Exercise & Fitness Myths)
You can certainly exercise while doing the chores. Most of the household chores are considered medium level intensity cardio or strength training exercises.
So, plan your chores in a way that could give you the benefit of exercise. You can jog around your house and start the fast music and walk from room to room.
Fitness Myth 6: Staying In Shape Is All About Exercise
(Workout & Fitness Myths)
It’s fine to train throughout the day. But exercise is part of your weight loss story. Losing weight is not only about exercise.
I am not saying exercise doesn’t help but working out daily and eating all the crap you want won’t make you either healthy or stay fit, according to experts.
The experts’ guidelines recommend you do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity cardio exercise or 75 minutes at a vigorous intensity.
The bottom line is you have to balance both workouts and diet.
Fitness Myth 7: Visit Doctor Whenever You Start An Exercise
(Fitness Myths & Misconceptions about Workouts)
It’s good to consult your doctor regularly but don’t let this keep you from a healthy habit. If you are a healthy person, you can start a moderate level of physical activity or exercise without consulting a doctor.
You need to visit your doctor though if you;
- plan on doing vigorous activities and you are a man over 45 or a woman over 55.
- have any health condition such as heart disease, hypertension or
- recently underwent any surgery or operation.
- or if you are going through any chronic illness.
Fitness Myth 8: You Can Target Specific Body Part To Reduce Fat
(One of the Biggest Body Fitness Myths)
This idea is known as “spot reduction.” You also might want to reduce fat stores in specific areas through targeted exercises. But guess what? Spot reduction is not possible!
At least it has not been proven by scientific studies yet. Because the body sheds fat evenly across your body. So, you have to plan your workouts to tone your whole body.
Fitness Myth 9: Yoga Isn’t A Real Exercise
(One of the Most Common Yoga & Fitness myths)
Generally, people think yoga is a set of gentle postures and some breathing techniques. If you are also one of them, you are doing a grave mistake and are unaware of the benefits of Hatha Yoga.
Bikram yoga, power yoga and all new forms of yoga have evolved from it. Hatha yoga includes a set of tougher poses and effective techniques.
You need to read this:
All about Hatha Yoga: A complete beginner’s guide
Fitness Myth 10: You Necessarily Go To Gym Every day
(One of the Biggest Gym & Fitness Myths)
Although it is a perfect practice to go to the gym every day because it is more effective than going to the gym only on weekends. But it is also not necessary.
You also need to give rest to your body and time to recover from the workout. So, don’t plan a seven-day workout plan, you will lose motivation this way and ruin your workout sessions too.
Fitness Tips & FAQs With Images Debunking Fitness Myths
It’s never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you.
These fitness tips designed in the form of FAQs would help you debunk all the fitness myths about weight loss, eating, workout, gym, etc. These are based on science, research papers, and expert advice.
Also read,
# FAQ 1: Debunking Workout Myths
Is it better to work out in the morning than in the afternoon or evening?
No. The key is when you can exercise. Though, the benefits of morning and evening workouts are different according to science. You can try different times of the day.
#FAQ 2: Debunking Cardio Workout Myths
Does cardio burn the most calories?
No. All cardio and no strength training may not help you burn more calories. Include weight training or strength training into your workout routine to get faster and better results.
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- Best Treadmills For Weight Loss In India Under 25,000
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#Faq 3: Debunking Gym & Fitness Myths
Do I need to join a commercial gym to get results?
No. You don’t need to do that. Shop a yoga mat, dumbbells, and a resistance band and if you need training, take virtual help. You can set up your gym at home. Read: home gym benefits
Also read,
# FAQ 4: Debunking Health & Fitness Myths
Is It Too Late To Start A Fitness Journey?
No. You are never too old to start your fitness journey. Start by walking 5-10 minutes daily.
Here is some motivation for you:
- 16 Fitness Motivation Quotes To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone
- At-Home Workouts for Beginners- 15 Easy Exercises to Do at Home
# FAQ 5: Debunking Weight Loss Myths
Should I eat less to lose weight? (One of the Biggest Weight Loss & Fitness Myths)
No. It is not a solution if you want to sustain your weight loss efforts. Just focus on consuming fewer calories rather. You need mindful and healthy eating along with some exercise to lose weight.
It may be useful for you:
#FAQ 6: Debunking Healthy Eating Myths
Is salad a healthy snack?
Yes. It depends on how you eat it. It proves to be unhealthy if it’s loaded with cheese and high-calorie dressing.
#FAQ 7: Debunking Diet & Fitness Myths
How to lose weight without dieting?
Dieting helps but if it is done mindfully. Focus on eating good calories rather than skipping the food. Choose your foods wisely.
#FAQ 8: Debunking Exercise & Fitness Myths
More workouts more fitness?
Not exactly. No workout is going to work if you are eating too many calories. Don’t ever think you can adjust the wrong food by working out more.
How Exercise Increases Your Immunity
#FAQ 9: Debunking Food Myths
Is fruit sugar healthy?
Yes, but don’t drink, instead eat plenty. Drinking calories even if they come from healthy sources, destroys your metabolism.
#FAQ 10: Debunking Diet Myths
Are veggie chips healthy? (Amongst Most Common Diet & Fitness Myths)
No. Because it is processed it’s unhealthy.
#FAQ 11: Debunking Eating & Fitness Myths
Which is more healthy, soup or salad?
Vegetable soup is an ideal choice, full of fibre and contains 100 calories or less per serving.
#FAQ 12: Debunking Fitness Myths Regarding Snacks
How to reduce junk food cravings?
Find some healthy snack alternatives. Make a list of easy to prepare healthy snacks and store them also.
#FAQ 13: Debunking Health Myths
Should I avoid eating calories? (Another One of the Most Commonly Believed Health & Fitness Myths)
No. This FAQ is mentioned here to debunk one of the most common fitness myths. You don’t need to do that. Instead, focus on good calories like fruits, vegetables, etc.
Choose quality over quantity!
#FAQ 14: Debunking Calorie 7 Fitness Myths
How can I reduce calorie intake each day?
Count your calories, have soup drink water before your main meals and say no to fried foods.
#FAQ 15: Debunking Digestion Myths
Should I eat slowly to lose weight?
#FAQ 16: Debunking Workout & Fitness Myths
Should I aim for achieving fitness goals fast?
No. It may hamper your health and would not provide long-lasting benefits.
Bottom Line on Fitness Myths
Are you making the right & healthiest choices? Never let any misinformation and fitness myths ruin your fitness efforts. When in doubt, visit your doctor first and keep yourself updated with authentic sources and researches.
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DISCLAIMER: All suggested tips and suggestions are based on expert advice, research, and personal experience. The content and all fitness myths in this article are meant for spreading awareness and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. It’s always better to seek the advice of your physician, fitness trainer or another qualified health care provider with any question you may have regarding health and fitness advice.
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AMAZING. so helpful and useful fitness tips for looking good and handsome
Happy to know, you found it useful:)
Thank You:)
keep up the good work
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Excellent Article, very in-depth. One of the best blogs I have read in regards to diet & Fitness.