Last updated on September 25th, 2023
Set Peace Of Mind As Your Highest Goal, And Organize Your Life Around It.
~ Brian Tracy
If you ponder and examine thoroughly, you will find that ‘peace of mind’ is already your biggest goal. But you fail to understand because there has been a lot of confusion around the word ‘peace’. You must be wondering, how? Let me explain it to you:
Look, generally, you set your goal for money, career or fame. Hence, you put all your efforts into achieving these goals. But you do not realize, that you are only striving to get peace of mind at the end of the day.
Ask yourself why you want to achieve all these things. You will easily get your answer after speculating a bit more. You are running after them because happiness and peace lie in these things in your opinion.
In your mind, you will get peace and happiness once you reach your preset goals. Sadly, it never happens because peace is not the destination, peace is the way. Forgetting this truth, you continue to baffle yourself and lose your peace of mind in daily life.
Nobody’s life is perfect so it’s not going to be easy for you either. You need to accept this truth and stop complicating your life further.
Of course, there would be reasons, problems, and some haunting experiences stopping you from getting peace. You just need to identify them and fight against them bravely.
Here are 14 major reasons why you are losing your peace of mind. Figure out which one is troubling you the most and how you can deal with the same.
#1. Not Practicing Positive Self-Talk
Self-talk is the process of getting engaged in an inner discussion. It is something you do naturally whenever you are not sleeping.
But how many times do you practice it in a positive mindful way?
You might not realize that these inner discussions are very powerful and influence your mind, your decisions, and your personality significantly (1).
And if they are not productive and positive, they can result in unregulated destructive thoughts eating up your energy and making you lose your peace of mind.
Therefore, you should practice positive and mindful self-talk periodically to meet with your original self, to do an x-ray of your thoughts, to evaluate yourself and to give time to yourself.
When you evaluate yourself, you get time to admire yourself and analyze where you need to correct yourself.
You get to know what improvements you need to make with yourself. A feeling of empowerment fills your mind, body, and soul and that helps to create peace of mind.
#2. Your problem With The Word ‘No’
Yes, it’s true! You have a problem with this two-letter word ‘no’.
Because whenever it is necessary to say ‘yes, you say ‘no’ and when you should be determined to say ‘no’, you unwillingly say ‘yes’.
And whenever you say ‘yes‘ instead of your need to say ‘no’ and vice-versa, you are giving yourself fodder to lose your peace of mind.
Let me remind you where you are wrong:
Don’t you find it difficult not to say ‘no’ to:
- self-care and self-love?
- fight negativity?
- value yourself?
- accept the way you are?
- your goals?
- leave your past behind?
- stand up against wrong?
Don’t you hesitate to say ‘no’ to:
- if you strictly want to say ‘no’?
- criticism which hinders your growth?
- compromise your self-esteem?
- someone who takes the wrong advantage of you?
- self-pity?
- lack of confidence?
- what will people think?
And if your answers are wrong, you need to be careful with the word ‘no’.
Learn the art of saying no to yourself and others. Trust me, you will get a lot of peace in your mind.
#3. Not Ignoring The Things
One of the main reasons you are losing your peace of mind is you don’t have the art of ignoring unnecessary stuff.
There are some things which you find difficult to ignore but you must ignore to get peace of mind:
- your habit of comparing yourself and your destiny to others
- your jealousy
- you want to keep everyone happy
- ignoring your happiness
Learn to ignore these things to improve well being, live a peaceful and healthy life.
This article might interest you: How To Ignore Unnecessary & Destructive Things In Life
#4. Your Leisure Time Activities (if not chosen carefully, they are the biggest enemy to your peace of mind)
Where you spend your free time is closely associated with your peace of mind.
Your free time activities leave a major impact on your mind. And it is only your mind which makes important decisions.
When decisions are wrong, they affect your happiness and your peace of mind eventually.
Therefore cultivate good habits like listening to good, positive and mindful audiobooks in your leisure time.
Collect and read positive quotes regularly to fill your mind with peace and positive things.
Also read,
#5. Your Comfort Zone
We all love freedom and have a free bird inside trying to do different new and adventurous things. You also want to fly like a free bird.
But sometimes your responsibilities and load of work stop you and sometimes you are happy with your comfort zone.
Be open to courage and dare to try new things in life. Discharging your duties and remaining in your comfort zone is good but it doesn’t make you brave.
When you try new and different things, you face challenges, challenges make you smarter, and you feel satisfied. This satisfaction is another term for ‘peace of mind.’
These new things may include setting up your startup, fulfilling your old dreams, making a new hobby like swimming, going on an adventurous trip alone, visiting the orphanage, helping some needy persons, donating and many others are lined up.
#6. Too Much Materialism Can Also Disrupt Your Peace of Mind
Being too materialistic makes you miserable. You consider yourself an independent entity rather than being a part of the almighty. Your desires turn into uncontrollable filthy stubbornness.
You gradually start losing your modesty and this makes you a dishonest or selfish person. And selfishness can never give you peace of mind.
You forget to differentiate between right and wrong. In this situation, when you fail to achieve what you want, you dream to get success and luxuries through crooked ways.
Thus, too much materialism becomes the reason for your downfall.
To avoid this, you need to do a complete makeover of your mind!
There is a perfect solution to this in Bhagavad Gita: practice Karma Yoga.
It teaches you to discharge all your duties without getting attached to worldly things. This is the ultimate source of getting peace in this materialistic world.
#7. Not Forgiving Or Forgiving Too Quickly
Are you the person who never forgives or are you the one who forgives too soon? If your answer is ‘yes, you need help.
Have you ever realized both kinds of emotions are lethal to your mental health?
One never lets you free from the mind conflict and another one leads you to a depressive state.
If you never forgive, you will never get peace of mind and if you forgive too soon, you are suppressing your anger and supporting injustice which also causes unrest in peace.
So, what should you do? To know this, read this article: Forgiveness -Is It a Solution To Getting Mental Peace?
#8. Regretting Over Your Past Mistakes
It’s a common problem for many people. A human being tends to make mistakes. You are no different.
But the problem starts when you get stuck somewhere in between and fail to get over your unpleasant situation. And this destroys your peace completely.
So, what are you suggesting to do? First of all, admit your mistakes.
Admitting them makes you a more powerful person. You take responsibilities, learn from them, collect experiences and become mature.
It becomes easy to forgive yourself, move on in life and get peace of mind.
#9. Self-Degradation Or Doubting Yourself
Some bad experiences and rejections create ‘self-doubt syndrome’ in you. You develop a kind of hatred towards your personality.
All the accomplishments you have achieved to date seem to be a complete waste!
A constant mind conflict keeps draining your energy all day which causes unrest in the mind.
In this condition, you highly need to recognize your self-worth again.
These articles would help you come out of this prison of self-doubt.
- Chant These Life Mantras Daily and see the Difference
- 40 Positive Things to Say to Yourself Every Day
#10. Self-Care Is Selfish For You
Among all the burdens and heavy responsibilities, when it comes to taking a holiday or spending time with yourself, you find it a selfish act.
You are stuck here in your thoughts: “How you can leave the work behind and enjoy yourself?” This question doesn’t let you nurture yourself and stops you from doing self-care.
But have you ever realized the only thing which keeps you energized to carry those heavy burdens & perform your duties well is a light dose of self-love?
Can you perform your duties constantly without a healthy body and a sound mind? How long can you do that without nurturing yourself?
You necessarily have to set in your mind that self-care is not selfish.
#11. Allowing The Negative Thoughts
It is a normal thing when you feel negative at times but the problem starts when you start getting stuck there.
When life pisses you off, it is not your fault, but when you don’t make an effort to clean your mess, it’s your fault.
Accepting defeat and embracing negativity is not a solution to any problem. It’s a life and it’s like that. It won’t change for anyone. You must have to learn the art of dealing with it.
Learn how to fight back every time leaving all the negativity behind!
Press a pause button on your negative thoughts. Use affirmations to empower yourself and maintain peace in your mind.
Read: How to deal with mental conflicts and negative thoughts
#12. Your Anger is Ruining Your Peace of Mind
There’s no denying the fact that anger is your biggest enemy.
However, it’s good for your mental health sometimes to release your anger outside. Moreover, it helps to relieve stress, trauma, and depression.
But you should know when you have to stop yourself. Otherwise, you will turn into a puppet bowing your head in front of your anger.
Excessive anger is fatal to your physical as well as your mental health. Therefore you should take some crucial steps to control anger and turn your mental conflicts into mental peace.
Read: Learn how to control your anger.
#13. Not Letting Go Of The Past
This is another common big problem that leads to destroying mental peace.
Everyone has a past. You should also be having one. You can’t let go of your past sometimes out of past mistakes and sometimes out of past relationships.
If you are struggling with forgetting your post, don’t make another effort. Because that’s not going to help you.
Just keep focusing on decorating your present. One day, you will realize you have come out of your haunting past and its experiences automatically.
And there will be peace and only peace in your mind.
Letting go is not easy but not impossible either! Just don’t play hard to forget!
#14. Your Unhealthy Habits Make You Lose Peace of Mind
When you often feel in your daily life you have lost peace, most of the time it is because of your bad unhealthy habits. Therefore make some healthy habits :
- Find solace in art & music. Music helps ease stress & anxiety.
- Practice Gratitude. Imagine the agony of those who are underprivileged and born disabled. If they can keep a fighting spirit why not you?
- You Have Never Tried Meditation. Meditate.
- You don’t get enough sleep. Optimize your sleep & sleep tight.
- Exercise can make you happier. Mental health benefits of exercise like running have been proven by science as well.
- You have a disturbing routine. Wake up early in the morning to avoid the hustle and work peacefully.
- Do you practice yoga regularly? Yoga is key to mental happiness and it also has been shown by several scientific studies.
The Final Word: Peace of Mind
It is hard to maintain peace of mind in adverse situations but not impossible. You can win the battle if you perceive yourself as a warrior but you will lose it if you consider yourself a weak person.
Remember, you can be peaceful with the right attitude even without money and luxuries! Life is yours to decide how you want to lead your life “a peaceful way’ or a restless way’.
- 30 Quick Stress Buster Activities (Awaken Your Inner Child)
- 43 Fun & Productive Things To Do At Home When Stuck At Home
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Stay Peaceful, Stay Happy!
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